Safety & Rescue course
Safety & Rescue course at Scuola di Mare Santa Teresa. We…

Video FICK Pagaia Azzurra award system
Few videos about personal skills and safety and rescue skills…

Navigation & Piloting course at Santa Teresa
Navigation & Piloting course at Scuola di Mare Santa Teresa.…

New extraordinary location for our sea kayaking courses
A superb location for some of our 2016 sea kayaking courses in…

Visit the shop and find out what you need for the coming season
Alpine Paddle, Cs Canoe, Eckla, Gottifredi Maffioli, Jeff Allen’s…

Scent of the sea on Sirene Journal
Scents of the sea - Sirene Journal. Guido Grugnola makes resurface…

Nautiraid folding kayak demo event
Tuilik will run a Nautiraid folding kayak demo event in Oggiono…

Kayak Foundation – Sestri Levante
Nice conditions for this Foundation course we held last week…

TideRace kayak demo event
PRESS RELEASE September 11th 2015
Tuilik will run a TideRace…